City Pod is a new form of transportation. Pod stations are installed throughout the city on street corners, businesses, hospitals, airports, universities, and more. The City Pods can hold two passengers at a time. The pods travel underground through a series of  tubes. City pods are more effects then subways in many ways. This includes, speed,safety, construction cost, profit margin. Each pod destination is different based on the passengers end destination. The pods have a smooth ride because of the unique gimbal built into the pods. In addition, City pods can be used to hold one pallet of product and can be sent from warehouse to local businesses. 
Mobile App to for a passenger to manage their riding experience
Above is a picture with a 3D render of the City Pod on a New York City corner
This is a Render of City Pod station that has been installed inside a hospital emergency room where medical staff would be notified of the passengers arrival.
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